College Football Rankings – From #1 to #130

As promised, below are the College Football rankings for every large division school (FCS) from #1 to #130 as of the end of this year’s 2021 regular season.

As a final reminder, my rankings are based on (1) fewest games lost (you shouldn’t be penalized if you win the games on your schedule; (2) more wins trumps fewer wins (special note to Notre Dame and BYU – a conference championship would really help your cause); (3) what is the record of the team which constitutes your “biggest” win of the season; (4) road wins over good teams are given more weight than a home win; and (5) in the event of ties, what was the margin of victory in your biggest win?

My complete 42-game college football bowl preview and predictions will be posted later today.  Stay tuned!